If not now, when?! I have a question for you ... when is a perfect time for a change?! … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru


Well ... let me tell you a short real story.

Few years ago, i’ve been staying with someone that used to be very close to me.

He did some illegal things and we already know that he could be arrested very soon.

Even if i’ve mentioned to stop what he was doing ... for so, so many times .... he always ignored me.

And guess what?!

He started to explain to me that it is the worst time to be arrested ... cause all his things were not in order.

... and that was the moment i started to laugh.

I’ve asked ...

“When the hell it’s a good time to be arrested?!

Do you think at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70?!

Or maybe 80?!

You have nothing to lose at that age.

Do you think someone that has everything in order in his life ... is ready to be arrested?!”

I realized the guy was an idiot.

And guess what ... when i explained again that the moment when we were talking ... was the best moment for a change .. he ignored me again.

So i actually understood that for him, at that time as him to stop what he was doing ... all those illegal things ... the best thing that could happen was to be arrested.

I cared about the guy ... but i was losing my time with someone that did not understood the need of the change.

Now ... tell me ... imagine that someone dear to you ... has an addiction for drugs or alcohol ... what should be the best time to stop this addiction?!

Next week?! Two weeks from now?! Next month?!

Nooo ... hell no.


The best time for a change ... is now.

And if not now ... when?!

Today is the ideal day ... wake up ... define the change ... believe in its positivity ... and just do it!!

Don’t wait for better times ... cause all we have is only the present moment.








Download the book THE ILLUSION OF CHANGE Statistic shows that we only replace a reality with a similar onewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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