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Any type of tribe ... even if has 40-50 people, or 287 ... represent an common energetic field. The harmony can be present ... only if the people from the group are totally connected, but also have in the soul the best intentions for the tribe. … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

  I saw many times beautiful couples ... that in one point ended their love story ... in a strange way ... and i was wondering why. I also saw people ... business partners that had amazing businesses together, that were running excellent .... but one day i heard that they closed all of them ... because they had argues all the time and could not continue anymore. And i also saw groups of scientists closing a very important project ... because there was no communication between them anymore. Is weird and i was quite interested why something that worked so well ... ended all the time in an ugly way. All those relationship between 2 ( like a love story) or more people ... started in an amazing way ... but ended somehow ... becoming enemies. They had a very long term plan ... and everything looked great ... but the story proved to be just a regular one ... with a beginning, the story itself ... and the end. What was changed from 3-4000 years ago, when people were living in tribe

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